Budget Office
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The budget call is made by the Superintendent in accordance with Title 17 GCA Chapter 3 §3121. The Superintendent shall prepare the DOE fiscal year budget, giving the highest priority to budgetary items that directly affect teaching and learning. The Board shall approve the proposed budget and its funding priorities by resolution. The Superintendent shall submit the proposed DOE fiscal year budget to I Liheslaturan Guahan, and a courtesy copy to I Maga’lahen Guahan, no later than the thirtieth (30th) day of January. The budget shall be in the format of the Budget Call issued by the Bureau of Budget & Management Research and shall describe DOE’ budget requests to federal agencies for federal grant awards by object classification and by grant, including each grant’s staffing pattern, both current and proposed, and such information as may be requested by I Liheslaturan Guahan.


The budget encompasses the period of October 1, 2025 to September 30, 2026


FY2026 Budget Timeline FY 2026 Budget Timeline

FY2026 Budget Guidelines FY 2026 Budget Guidelines

FY2026 Budget Call FY2026 Budget Call 

FY2026 Stakeholders Survey FY 2026 Stakeholders Survey

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