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The State Strategic Plan (SSP),  "20/20: A Clear Vision for the Education on Guam" was officially adopted by the Guam Education Board on September 23, 2014 and replaced the previous District Action Plan from 2003. The SSP addresses three fundamental weknesses that made it difficult, if not possible, for the department to implement activities and achieve stated goals and objectives. 

First, the previous plan did not address the clear misalignment of our Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (C-I-A) policies and practices. Secondly, the previous plan lacked a conceptual framework to link our goals, objectives, and activities. And, lastly, the previous DAP did not focus on long-term capacity building. 

The SSP has a number of specific strategies directly related to respective goals and objectives. All strategies outlined under each goal will fall directly into one ore more of the following four components:

  1. Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment-Interventions
  2. Professional Learning Communities and Collaborative Teams
  3. Guam Comprehensive Student Assessment System (CSAS)
  4. Efforts to continuously improve services with limited funding by increasing efficiency, maximizing the use of current resources, and improved planning.

GDOE State Strategic Plan for Education

GDOE Student Assessment System

Presentation - Student Assessment System

2008 District Action Plan

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