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SECTION 504 Program

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 504 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Individuals who are protected under the law have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Section 504 requires a school district to provide "free appropriate public education" (FAPE) to each qualified person with a disability within a district. Based on the law, school districts receiving federal money must have a Section 504 process. The law requires that the district identify and evaluate students who have or may have a disability, and require accommodations. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) enforces the law. 

The Guam Department of Education developed the Section 504 Procedural Manual (SOP 1200-012) to assist school personnel and others on the process for students protected under the law. The program is housed at the Student Support Services Division (SSSD). The department has identified a District 504 Coordinator at SSSD and a Section 504 School-Site Coordinator (namely school counselor) at the school-level. Some schools may have multiple coordinators. 



Important Source Documents

Standard Operating Procedures

Child Study Team (SPAM)

Protecting Students With Disabilities (US DOE, Office for Civil Rights)

504 Accommodations Guide (Source: David Bateman)

504 Presentations

504 - Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Interpreting Equity & Access (SC PD_11.8.22)

504 - What Every School Administrator Should Know About Section 504 (SOP Training for Administrators_6.22.22)

504 - 504 vs. IDEA and The Process (1.11.19)FINAL-FINAL

Section 504 Forms

Form A (504) Student Intake (8.28.18)

Form B (504) Coordinator Notes (8.28.18)

Form C (504) PWN (8.2818)

Form D (504) Procedural Safeguards (8.28.18)

Form E (504) Eligibility (8.28.18)

Form F (504) Data Entry (8.28.18)

Form G (504) Educational Accommodation Plan (8.28.18)

Form H (504) Manifestation (8.28.18)

Form I (504) Receive-Release of Info (8.28.18)

Form J (504) Request for Accom. Cost (8.28.18)




District Section 504 Coordinator Contact 

Terry Naputi, Program Coordinator IV

Student Support Services Division

Direct Office Number: 1-671-300-1623

Other Office Numbers: 1-671-300-1623/24



Note:  To contact a School-Site Coordinator, please contact the school directly.

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