January 30, 2020
The Guam Department of Education will be holding Eskuelan Puengi (Night School) for high school students beginning next month. Eskuelan Puengi is designed as a course by conference credit recovery program for students in grades 9 through 12 who lack 0.5 or more credits. The program helps motivated students earn credits in order to remain on track for graduation.
Eskuelan Puengi Session A will take place from February 4 to 21, 2020, while Session B will take place from March 3 to 20, 2020. Interested students should contact their respective school counselors for more information on the registration process and the courses being offered.
Eskuelan Puengi high school sites include the following six schools:
- George Washington High School
- John F. Kennedy High School
- Okkodo High School
- Simon Sanchez High School
- Southern High School
- Tiyan High School
For additional information about the Eskuelan Puengi program, interested students may also contact Felix Chaco at 300-1361 or fachaco@gdoe.net.
This activity is administered by the Guam Department of Education Federal Programs Division and funded by the U.S. Department of Education Consolidated Grant to the Outlying Areas.