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GDOE Operations During PCOR 1
WRITTEN BY Site Administrator ON August 13, 2020

August 14, 2020 



On Friday morning, Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero announced that Guam will be placed in PCOR 1 effective Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 12:01 a.m through Saturday, August 29, 2020.


No Face-to-Face Instruction During PCOR 1

Based on this announcement and based on guidance outlined in Executive Order 2020-27, the government of Guam will be operating in a limited capacity with restricted or no public access. Additionally, the order prevents schools from implementing face-to-face classroom instruction through August 31, 2020, unless further extended. All athletics, after-school activities, inter-school activities and busing will be suspended.


While GDOE facilities are closed for in-person instruction and activities, the executive order does allow educational distance-learning activities, distribution of materials and equipment, other necessary administrative or maintenance functions, and food service preparation; therefore, all Guam Department of Education (GDOE) schools, including the school district headquarters and administrative offices, will continue to be operational during PCOR 1. 


GDOE Distance Learning Begins August 17th 

The start of home learning courses for school year 2020-2021 for all students will be Monday, August 17, 2020. All students will be enrolled in one of the two home learning instructional models: (1) Home Learning Online Instruction or (2) Home Learning Hard Copy Curriculum. Parents of students who were enrolled in the traditional face-to-face instructional model are asked to reach out to their child’s school to determine which home learning model their child will participate in, and to find out information regarding class schedules and teacher contact information. Every student will be offered the option to participate in the online or hard copy models of learning to avoid any delay in their educational instruction. Schools will also be reaching out to parents to facilitate the transition for these students and to complete required forms, such as the Education Technology Use Policy, for students enrolled in online learning.


First Few Weeks of Classes to be Transition Period as Schools Move to 100% Home Learning

Schools have been working diligently to contact parents and to transition roughly 38% of the student population to one of the two home learning instructional models over the past 24 hours. Due to this sudden change, the GDOE asks for the patience of parents and students as it works to coordinate this transition over the next few weeks. Parents/guardians are asked to stay in close communication with their child’s school. 


“The first few weeks of classes will serve as a transition period to implement the necessary logistics for full distance learning and to allow both students and teachers to adjust to this new way of teaching and learning,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “We appreciate the patience of the general public as we work to implement these important changes.”


GDOE Facilities Closed to the General Public

While GDOE will continue to be operational during PCOR 1, all GDOE facilities, to include schools and the GDOE central offices in Tiyan, will be closed to the general public until further notice. Employees and contractors will continue to have access to GDOE buildings. Members of the community may contact each school or division over the phone or via email. Offices and schools may be contacted at the following directory:


All GDOE Employees Remain on Regular Duty 

Based on Executive Order 2020-27, all GDOE employees, to include school and central office employees, are on regular duty and are expected to physically report to work. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor for guidance regarding their reporting schedule. Teleworking may be authorized subject to approval and execution of a teleworking agreement. All meetings must comply with mitigation measures, including but not limited to required face masks and physical distancing; however virtual meetings are highly encouraged when possible.


Safety Reminders

The safety of GDOE students and employees remains a top priority. All stakeholders are reminded that face coverings are required while on GDOE facilities or campuses. There will continue to be screening conducted at the front entrance of facilities and physical distancing will be required at all times. GDOE stakeholders are also reminded to practice all mandated health and safety guidelines. 


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