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Hard Copy Distribution; Tech Roll Out
WRITTEN BY Site Administrator ON August 28, 2020

August 28, 2020



All Guam Department of Education (GDOE) schools are preparing to resume hard copy packet distribution. Over the past few days, GDOE superintendent Jon Fernandez has been in close communication with the Department of Public Health and Social Services to determine the GDOE’s authorization to distribute hard copy learning packets during PCOR 1. On Wednesday, DPHSS confirmed that GDOE is able to resume hard copy packet distribution. 


Hard copy packet distribution includes lesson preparation, printing, preparation of physical documents, packaging materials, distribution and collection of completed packets. Each school will determine its schedule and notify parents next week. Parents are reminded that schools are closed to the general public outside of the designated distribution dates and times.


Families are reminded that they should follow GDOE safety protocols when picking up learning packets, to include wearing a mask, maintaining six feet physical distancing, and following the instructions of school personnel at all times. Schools will work to ensure that employees are safe and that both employees and families adhere to safety protocols. School administrators will work with school personnel to develop a distribution implementation plan.


Additionally, the GDOE is working to deploy roughly 8,000 computers to students and families from its inventory throughout the island. With the continued delay of face-to-face classes due to the health situation in Guam and the continued stay-at-home order, the GDOE is working diligently to expand and improve its distance learning strategy. The 8,000 computers will be deployed to students who would like to enroll in the online model of learning, but who may need access to equipment in order to do so. More information regarding this initiative will be announced at a later date.


“As our island deals with this unprecedented situation, our goal is to expand and improve our distance learning options so that our students can continue to learn safely at home,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “As we continue to implement safety measures at our schools to protect the safety of both our students and our employees, we will continue our work of supporting our families as best we can.”

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