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GDOE Surveys and Input Sessions
WRITTEN BY Site Administrator ON November 18, 2020

November 18, 2020



The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) District School Readiness Task Force (DSRTF) continues to plan for the potential reopening of face-to-face classes in January and is conducting a series of surveys aimed at gathering stakeholder input. 


Beginning this week, the GDOE will issue a perception survey for parents. The survey aims to gather parent input regarding perceived risks of returning to face-to-face classes, familiarity with safety protocols, views on school preparedness for reopening, and views on whether parents plan to send their children to face-to-face classes should on-campus instruction resume next year. 


The brief survey is available on the GDOE website at The survey will also be distributed by schools directly. Hard copy versions of the survey will be provided by each school, and the survey is available in Chuukese, CHamoru and Tagalog. Parents are asked to fill out only one survey per school if they have more than one child attending GDOE.


In addition, the GDOE launched an online Student Survey for Distance Learning focused on the online instructional model earlier this month. The online survey may be found here: Results from this survey will help the GDOE to improve its online model of learning and results will be reported once the survey is completed. A second student curriculum survey focused on the hard copy instructional model will be distributed later this month. 


“We encourage all of our parents and students to share their thoughts and feedback with us as we plan for the third and fourth quarter,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “This input is critical as we grapple with how best to serve our community during this pandemic.” 


Parents are also reminded that stakeholder meetings are taking place every day this week at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. These meetings are led by GDOE management and provide information on planning for the second semester. The input sessions also provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions and share comments or suggestions. Parents may tune in to these meetings via Zoom at or may watch the livestream on the GDOE Facebook page.

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