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Hard Copy Distribution Schedule

September 01, 2020

September 2, 2020 (updated Sept. 23, 2020)



All Guam Department of Education (GDOE) schools will resume hard copy packet distribution for students enrolled in the Home Learning Hard Copy Curriculum model of instruction this month. Each school will announce its distribution schedule this week.


Hard copy packet distribution and collection happens at a designated time and venue. During both distribution and collection of hard copy materials, students and parents should wear a mask at all times and follow all safety guidelines and instructions from school personnel.


The hard copy packet distribution schedule is as follows: UPDATED GDOE Hard Copy Packet Distribution Schedule (9-23-20)


Distribution schedules are subject to change. Parents or guardians who miss the distribution date and time should contact their child’s school to determine an alternative pick up date. Parents or guardians are also encouraged to contact their child’s school directly for the latest distribution information. The latest GDOE school directory is available online at



GDOE School Meal Distribution

September 01, 2020

September 2, 2020



The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) will be launching its school year (SY) 2020-2021 School Meal Distribution Program for students this week Friday. While the program is open to all GDOE students, the first day of distribution will provide each school with the average daily meals that would be distributed to students based on data from last school year. Meals will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, and numbers for the following weeks will be adjusted up or down based on the demand at each school site.


All GDOE students are eligible for the program, regardless of their selected model of learning. Unlike the summer Grab-N-Go program, the GDOE School Meal Distribution Program is available only to students who attend GDOE schools. The program will provide one bundle of five days worth of nonperishable breakfast food items per student, and will be distributed at no cost. The program is limited to breakfast items only at this time and will utilize a drive-through operation.


The GDOE School Meal Distribution Program will begin on Friday, September 4, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will continue every Friday thereafter, except on holidays and school breaks.  Distribution will take place at all 41 GDOE schools, and students are eligible to pick up meals at their designated school site. 


Participating families should bring identification, and school personnel will verify a child’s attendance at each school prior to distribution. GDOE and Sodexo staff will also be on hand to facilitate the distribution process. Participants are reminded to remain in their vehicles and wear a mask at all times. 


“We are excited to get this program underway for our kids and families,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “Although our students may not physically be on campus, we want to continue providing meals and nonperishable food items that they can take home. This will help ensure that they are getting the meals they need and are better prepared to focus on their school work.”


"I want to thank our schools and staff for working to implement this new program in order to accommodate the health situation and the economic conditions facing families,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “We anticipate serving the same number of meals that we do during the normal school year, but we ask for patience in the event that there are shortages on the first day due to demand. We will adjust our numbers accordingly in the next few weeks in order to better serve our students and families.”


For more information, please contact your child’s school directly.

Hard Copy Distribution; Tech Roll Out

August 28, 2020

August 28, 2020



All Guam Department of Education (GDOE) schools are preparing to resume hard copy packet distribution. Over the past few days, GDOE superintendent Jon Fernandez has been in close communication with the Department of Public Health and Social Services to determine the GDOE’s authorization to distribute hard copy learning packets during PCOR 1. On Wednesday, DPHSS confirmed that GDOE is able to resume hard copy packet distribution. 


Hard copy packet distribution includes lesson preparation, printing, preparation of physical documents, packaging materials, distribution and collection of completed packets. Each school will determine its schedule and notify parents next week. Parents are reminded that schools are closed to the general public outside of the designated distribution dates and times.


Families are reminded that they should follow GDOE safety protocols when picking up learning packets, to include wearing a mask, maintaining six feet physical distancing, and following the instructions of school personnel at all times. Schools will work to ensure that employees are safe and that both employees and families adhere to safety protocols. School administrators will work with school personnel to develop a distribution implementation plan.


Additionally, the GDOE is working to deploy roughly 8,000 computers to students and families from its inventory throughout the island. With the continued delay of face-to-face classes due to the health situation in Guam and the continued stay-at-home order, the GDOE is working diligently to expand and improve its distance learning strategy. The 8,000 computers will be deployed to students who would like to enroll in the online model of learning, but who may need access to equipment in order to do so. More information regarding this initiative will be announced at a later date.


“As our island deals with this unprecedented situation, our goal is to expand and improve our distance learning options so that our students can continue to learn safely at home,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “As we continue to implement safety measures at our schools to protect the safety of both our students and our employees, we will continue our work of supporting our families as best we can.”

GEB Extends Superintendent Contract

August 26, 2020

August 26, 2020



In a unanimous decision, the Guam Education Board (GEB) voted to retain Jon Fernandez as the Superintendent of Education through June 2025. Fernandez has been superintendent since 2012 and is currently one of the longest-serving superintendents in the United States. His current contract was set to expire on June 30, 2021. 


On Friday, August 21, 2020, Fernandez submitted his letter of intent to continue as superintendent to the GEB. During the regular meeting held on August 25, and in light of the superintendent’s recent outstanding evaluation and what will likely be a challenging school year, board member Dr. Ron McNinch motioned to extend Fernandez’s contract through June 30, 2025. The superintendent will continue at the same salary.


“I was happy to hear that Jon wanted to continue to lead the department and I know that the future of our education system will be in good hands,” GEB Chairwoman Maria Gutierrez said. “Our board recently evaluated his progress and determined that he is doing an outstanding job of moving our department forward. On behalf of the Guam Education Board, I want to thank him for wanting to continue to serve our community and we look forward to working with him over the next five years.”


“One of the things that sticks out to me the most is the stability that Jon brings to our department. He is not only one of the longest-serving superintendent’s in Guam, but also in the nation,” GEB Vice Chair Mark Mendiola said. “In prior years, there was such a high turnover rate and what seemed to be a revolving door of superintendents. Jon has provided that stability and steadfast leadership that is critical at this juncture when we are moving to remove special conditions from the federal government and also handling the COVID-19 pandemic.”


“I want to thank the board members for their confidence, and I think it goes without saying that it reflects not only my performance, but the performance of our entire GDOE team, including our deputies, administrators, teachers and employees,” Fernandez said. “Given that this year is going to be extremely challenging, the extension of this contract means accepting the responsibility to make sure we do everything we can to adjust to this pandemic and to continue our mission of teaching and learning. I appreciate the partnership of our board and am ready to focus on the work we need to do this year.”

Distance Learning Parent Meetings

August 24, 2020

August 25, 2020


The Guam Department of Education (GDOE) invites parents to participate in a series of distance learning stakeholder meetings with GDOE management via Zoom or Google Meet video conferencing beginning next week. 

The distance learning stakeholder meetings provide an opportunity for GDOE leadership to provide more in-depth information to parents regarding the distance learning models this school year and the impacts to the department due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The forum also provides an opportunity for parents to ask questions, seek clarification, provide feedback and input regarding how the distance learning instructional models can be improved. 

Over the past two weeks, the GDOE implemented distance learning for all students, either through online or hard copy instructional models. Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation in Guam, schools also temporarily closed to the public during the Governor’s stay at home order. As GDOE works to continue teaching and learning in this new environment, it recognizes that communication with stakeholders is key to ensuring a shared understanding of distance learning strategies and areas of improvement. This critical feedback will help the department to improve and strengthen its approach to distance learning this school year. 

A total of seven distance learning meetings will be held for elementary and secondary families in the northern, central and southern regions. Elementary parent meetings will cater to parents of students in pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. Secondary parent meetings will cater to families of students in 6th through 12th grade. 

The meetings will be held at the following dates and times: 






Adacao ES

Astumbo ES


Finegayan ES

J.M. Guerrero ES

Liguan ES

Machananao ES

Maria Ulloa ES

Upi ES

Wettengel ES

Astumbo MS


Benavente MS


Okkodo HS



Chief Brodie ES

L.B. Johnson ES

Tamuning ES

Carbullido ES

Price ES



P.C. Lujan ES



Untalan MS




JPTSA (central)

Merizo ES


Inarajan ES


Marcial Sablan ES

Talofofo ES

Inarajan MS

Oceanview MS


JPTSA (south)

“Working together with our families is critical to ensuring a successful school year for our students and teachers,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “We encourage our parents to attend and to share their feedback and input with us so that we can better understand how to serve their needs and the needs of their children.”

The Zoom meetings have the capacity to accommodate up to 300 participants, while Google Meet has the capacity to accommodate 250 participants. Those who wish to observe the Zoom meetings may also watch the livestream on the GDOE Facebook page. Those participating via videoconferencing are asked to mute their microphones when not speaking so that all participants are able to hear the presentation.


Online Home Learning Continues

August 22, 2020

August 23, 2020




Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases on island and Executive Order 2020-28 issued by Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero late last week, all Guam Department of Education (GDOE) hard copy packet distribution is suspended until further notice. However, teachers and employees remain on regular duty.


All GDOE schools will continue with online home learning instruction as regularly scheduled. Schools and teachers will be reaching out to families of students enrolled in the hard copy option this week, and each student enrolled in the hard copy instructional model will have the option to switch to the online model. 


Parents will continue to be able to reach schools via email for any questions regarding their child’s learning model. Parents may also reach out to the GDOE central hotline for assistance at 300-1536 or  

Employees Telework; Hard Copy Suspended

August 20, 2020

August 20, 2020





Earlier today Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero announced that effective noon Friday, August 21, through an executive order, all businesses will close except grocery stores, healthcare operations, pharmacies, gas stations, convenience stores, hardware stores, and those operations critical to health, shelter, and the preservation of life. 


While this executive order is in place, all Guam Department of Education (GDOE) hard copy packet distributions for schools will be temporarily suspended. Parents will continue to be able to reach schools via email, and teachers will be reaching out to families to continue lessons remotely. Parents are asked to stand by for further communication from schools.


GDOE employees will telework effective immediately and should not physically report to work beginning Friday, August 21, 2020 through the end date of the executive order. The GDOE is moving to telework to ensure the safety of all employees as a result of the sharp increase in positive cases in the community. During this time, all payroll checks will be mailed. Employees should contact their immediate supervisors for further guidance.

Google 4 Doodle Winner From AHES

August 18, 2020

August 18, 2020



A talented Guam Department of Education student could soon have her art on the Google homepage for millions to see. Google is announcing the 54 State and Territory winners in its 12th annual Doodle for Google competition, a contest open to K-12 students across the United States to design a Google Doodle inspired by the theme “I show kindness by…”.


Mikayla Chen, a third grade student in the K-3 Grade Group from Agana Heights Elementary School, is one of the 54 State and Territory Winners across the country. Mikayla’s doodle was selected from thousands of entries received this year. 


In the next stage of the contest, Google will invite the public to vote for their favorite Doodle from the 54 State and Territory Winners, in order to help determine which students will go on to become one of the five National Finalists. Voting will be open from August 17th through August 21st (beginning August 18th in Guam) on the Doodle for Google website:


Google will announce five National Finalists in August, one of which will go on to become the National Winner and have their Doodle featured on the Google homepage for a day. 


National Finalists will each win a $5,000 college scholarship, Google hardware, and custom swag.


The National Winner will take home a $30,000 college scholarship and his or her school will receive a $50,000 tech package towards the establishment or improvement of a computer lab or technology program. 

First Day of Home Learning for SY20-21

August 16, 2020

August 16, 2020



Monday, August 17, 2020, is the first day of home learning for all Guam Department of Education schools.


“We would like to welcome our students and families to this new school year,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “Thank you to all those who are working together to ensure the safety of our school communities as we continue our mission of teaching and learning through this pandemic.”


If parents have not been contacted already, they should expect to receive information directly from their child’s school on Monday regarding instructions for either the home learning online or hard copy instructional models. Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s school website often and to ensure they are signed up for PowerSchool and Swift K-12 to receive communications and student information. 


For questions during the first day of classes, parents should contact their child’s school directly. Should there be an issue reaching their child’s schools, parents may also contact the central office hotline for assistance at 300-1536 or  

GDOE Operations During PCOR 1

August 13, 2020

August 14, 2020 



On Friday morning, Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero announced that Guam will be placed in PCOR 1 effective Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 12:01 a.m through Saturday, August 29, 2020.


No Face-to-Face Instruction During PCOR 1

Based on this announcement and based on guidance outlined in Executive Order 2020-27, the government of Guam will be operating in a limited capacity with restricted or no public access. Additionally, the order prevents schools from implementing face-to-face classroom instruction through August 31, 2020, unless further extended. All athletics, after-school activities, inter-school activities and busing will be suspended.


While GDOE facilities are closed for in-person instruction and activities, the executive order does allow educational distance-learning activities, distribution of materials and equipment, other necessary administrative or maintenance functions, and food service preparation; therefore, all Guam Department of Education (GDOE) schools, including the school district headquarters and administrative offices, will continue to be operational during PCOR 1. 


GDOE Distance Learning Begins August 17th 

The start of home learning courses for school year 2020-2021 for all students will be Monday, August 17, 2020. All students will be enrolled in one of the two home learning instructional models: (1) Home Learning Online Instruction or (2) Home Learning Hard Copy Curriculum. Parents of students who were enrolled in the traditional face-to-face instructional model are asked to reach out to their child’s school to determine which home learning model their child will participate in, and to find out information regarding class schedules and teacher contact information. Every student will be offered the option to participate in the online or hard copy models of learning to avoid any delay in their educational instruction. Schools will also be reaching out to parents to facilitate the transition for these students and to complete required forms, such as the Education Technology Use Policy, for students enrolled in online learning.


First Few Weeks of Classes to be Transition Period as Schools Move to 100% Home Learning

Schools have been working diligently to contact parents and to transition roughly 38% of the student population to one of the two home learning instructional models over the past 24 hours. Due to this sudden change, the GDOE asks for the patience of parents and students as it works to coordinate this transition over the next few weeks. Parents/guardians are asked to stay in close communication with their child’s school. 


“The first few weeks of classes will serve as a transition period to implement the necessary logistics for full distance learning and to allow both students and teachers to adjust to this new way of teaching and learning,” GDOE Superintendent Jon Fernandez said. “We appreciate the patience of the general public as we work to implement these important changes.”


GDOE Facilities Closed to the General Public

While GDOE will continue to be operational during PCOR 1, all GDOE facilities, to include schools and the GDOE central offices in Tiyan, will be closed to the general public until further notice. Employees and contractors will continue to have access to GDOE buildings. Members of the community may contact each school or division over the phone or via email. Offices and schools may be contacted at the following directory:


All GDOE Employees Remain on Regular Duty 

Based on Executive Order 2020-27, all GDOE employees, to include school and central office employees, are on regular duty and are expected to physically report to work. Employees should contact their immediate supervisor for guidance regarding their reporting schedule. Teleworking may be authorized subject to approval and execution of a teleworking agreement. All meetings must comply with mitigation measures, including but not limited to required face masks and physical distancing; however virtual meetings are highly encouraged when possible.


Safety Reminders

The safety of GDOE students and employees remains a top priority. All stakeholders are reminded that face coverings are required while on GDOE facilities or campuses. There will continue to be screening conducted at the front entrance of facilities and physical distancing will be required at all times. GDOE stakeholders are also reminded to practice all mandated health and safety guidelines. 


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