Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life

Safety is our PRIORITY! Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Guam Department of Education highly encourages that submissions to the Human Resources Division through electronic means. If submission of documents is in person, we ask that all these be filled out completely prior to visiting our office, persons must be prepared to have their own use of a pen, and must make their own copies of documents (if needed). All persons will be asked to sign in electronically and are recommended to wear a face mask.  

Should you have any questions, please contact our office at 671-475-0496 or at

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Thank you for your interest in employment with the Guam Department of Education. You will find links to the left of this page to our current Job Announcements, Employment Application forms, General Information, and others.


The Guam Department of Education is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, marital status, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation in its programs or activities.


The students in Guam's Public Schools represent a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds which results in enriching contributions to the total teaching-learning environment.


There are approximately 4,000 employees within the  Department of Education that include administrator, teachers, librarians, counselors and other support staff. Guam has a single unified school district with an elected board. The Guam Education Board serves as the main policy making body. In addition, the department operates 41 schools and other major divisions, with a student enrollment of approximately 30,000.

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.

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