Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life

Federal Programs Banner

June 23, 2014 Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2011 Special Conditions Letter from U.S. Department of Education, Phil Maestri

Federal Programs ImageHafa Adai and welcome to the Federal Programs Division’s webpage. Our intent here at the Federal Programs Office, through this site, is to provide information to help our friends on island and abroad understand the basics of federal program activities. Utilizing the tabs above will navigate you easily through. Here you will be able to meet our staff, and keep abreast of our current programs and services. Our webpage also provides links to related sites locally and nationally. Once again Hafa Adai, and welcome.


Message from the Administrator,     

Administrator Ignacio SantosHafa Adai, and welcome!  It is my hope that, through this venue, all who visit will be more informed, and will gain more insight and understanding about our Federal Programs and Activities.  The  purpose for No Child Left Behind Act Innovative Program  (Title V, Part A) is to improve the quality of  education for all our students through the support of local education reform. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the  Department of Education (GUAM) and the Federal Programs Division to ensure that all federally funded programs  observe strict compliance  to the guidelines and polices of the projects, as this will secure funding from our  Federal counterparts at USDOE. This is imperative  as  we continue to fund all programs that are successful in enriching the education of our children.


Federal Programs Image 2


Federal Grants

Grant Application

Federal Grants Addendum 1

Federal Grants Addendum 2

Federal Grants Addendum 3

Quarterly Reports Here

Location & Contact Information

Our office is located on the second floor of the Tiyan Building E—#1400 Mariner Avenue, Barrigada, Guam 96931

Mailing Address:
Department of Education, Government of Guam  (formerly known as the Guam Public School System) 
Federal Programs Division
500 Mariner Avenue
Barrigada, Guam 96931

Phone: (671) 475-0470 or (671) 300-1267
Fax:  (671) 477-4587
Hours of Operation: 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
(Chamorro Standard Time; Location: Pacific; Time Zone: UTC + 10 hours)

E-mail Address:

For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.

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