Curriculum & Instruction

The Guam Deparment of Education Nearpod accounts are active for School Year 2023-2024 with an expiration date of 2.6.2024. 

Nearpod is a classroom presentation tool used to create interactive presentations and engage audiences with questions that test knowledge, gauge viewpoints, or gather general information. It allows learners to interact with the instructor, with peers, and with content through activities such as polling, quizzing, drawing, fill-in-the-blank, and matching as well as embedded video, web content, and documents. 

Link: Nearpod


NOTE: Use your gdoe email account and its associated password!

UPDATE 8.18.23::: If you still have a Silver Account then please email me at and we will send you an "Invitation Link"



If you are still showing silver and are using a address please use the password for your account and not the password you used to create the free account...

If that does not work email me at and we will send you an "Invitation Link"



Students need a teacher classcode to Join

Link: Student Join

Join Pic


Use your gdoe student email

student gmail


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