ThinkCentral is currently active for School Year 2023 and 2024 for
all GDOE Elementary Schools
Link: Think Central
ThinkCentral is the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) online platform that allows teachers and students to access digital materials associated with one or more HMH programs
- Resetting Teacher Password in ThinkCentral
If the teacher’s password has been forgotten or needs to be changed, this can be accomplished by clicking the reset password link. On the Welcome to ThinkCentral page.
- Type your User Name, and then click the Reset Password link located in the lower right corner of the page. A Reset Password: Verify Account page appears.Type the answers to your security questions exactly as you first entered them, and then click Next. The Reset Password page appears. For security purposes, if a question is answered incorrectly, an email is sent to the email address registered for the account. You can also open the email if received and click the link provided to reset your password. The Reset Password page appears.
- Type a password using the password rules.
- Retype the password, and then click Log In.
Note: If you cannot locate this email, try looking in your Junk or Spam folders. The email is from HMHAccessNotifications@hmhco.com.
- Student Accounts
- Student accounts have been populated for the school year 2023 – 2024 with the exception of Kindergarten students, new students, and transfer students. The student population created was based on PowerSchool data as of August 1, 2024.
- Student username is their gdoe student email address
- Password is Student2024
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