200 Superintendent of Education - Qualifications
200.1 Superintendent of Education - Duties
210 Administrative Personnel Positions (Suspended 121923 pending revision)
210.1 Administrative Personnel Compensation & Contracts
210.2 Administrative Personnel Duties (Amended 102208)
210.3 Administrative Personnel - Appointment, Assignment & Transfer (Amended 102208)
210.4 Administrative Personnel - Supervision
210.5 Superintendent of Education - Professional Conferences & Visitations (Amended 102208)
300 Instructional Philosophy (Amended 062608)
303 Equal Treatment of Students (Amended 012710)
306 Flag Displays (Amended012308)
309 School Ceremonies and Observances (Amended 012308)
312 English as a Second Language (ESL) Program (Amended 092706)
318 School Attendance Area (Amended 091008)
321 School Calendar (Amended 012308)
327 Curriculum Development and Revision
330 Entrance and Attendance Ages - Registration and Removal (Amended 052709)
331 Student Identification System (Amended 012710)
336.3 Control of Communicable Diseases
337 Health Requirements for Students (Amended 042313)
338 Middle School Curriculum Requirements (Amended 022609)
339 Promotion and Retention Early Granting of Credits
340 CHamoru Studies (Amended 091719)
342 Special Education (Amended 042214)
345 Elementary Education Program (Amended 052709)
346 Instructional Subjects and Time On Task for Elementary Schools (Amended 101723)
350 Uniform Grading (Adopted 071817)
351.4 High School Graduation Requirements (Adopted 071817)
352 Home Study Program (Amended 092910)
354 General Educational Developmental Test
363 Field Trips and Excursions
366 Student Pregnancy (Revised 022713)
369 Outside Instructional Materials
375 Dropouts Definition and Rates
377 Bonuses Rewards and Incentives Programs (BRIP) (Suspended 121923 pending revision)
379 Education Technology Use (Instruction-Students)
380 Character Education Policy
381 Service Learning Policy (Adopted 113011)
383 Social and Emotional Learning for Early Childhood Education
700 Budget Preparation Procedures
702 Manager's Internal Control Program (Adopted 091008)
705 Food and Nutrition Services Management
710 Student Instructional Fees (Revised042810)
715 Management of Non-Appropriated and Student Activities Funds
720 Private School Textbooks and Workbooks (Rescinded and Incorporated in Board Policy 601)
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