The Compliance Monitoring Office (CMO) reviews data available through the special education student data management system to monitor the public schools and the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) on a biannual basis. Specifically, the CMO monitors schools/program reports related to the following compliance requirements:
- LRE - Related Services
- Child Find - 60 day timeline
- Preschool Transition: Individualized Education Program (IEP) by 3rd birthday
- Secondary Transition
- Conducting Reevaluations
- Timely Services
- 45 day timeline
- Transition to Preschool
- Periodic review
- Annual Meeting to Evaluate Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
- Early Intervention Services
Commendation (Feb 1 - July 31)
Commendation Reporting Revised Jan-Mar
PartB Time Period August 15, 2011 - February 15, 2012
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