Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life

School Safety Conference/Training 

Guam Department of Education 

The Guam Department of Education holds annually a School Safety Conference primarily for school staff and school administrators. Participants engage in workshops that focuses on safe school practices, and provides opportunity for personnel to examine their view about safety in our schools and grasp refresher or new information to better support their work they do everyday. The department's State Strategic Plan includes school safety as one of the goals; wherein, the department strategic action item is to provide the necessary tools and resources to school personnel so they can return to their school communities to build healthier and safer schools. The department works closely within divisions and schools, alongside with community partners for a call for presenters to join the conference. Plenary sessions and workshops bring professionals in the field of education, public and behavioral health, public policy and law, law enforcement, among others. 


For more information about the conference, please select the conference year below:  


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