Management Internal Controls (MIC) - is required by GDOE's Comprehensive Corrective Actions Plan (CCAP), Guam Education Board Policy (GEB) 702, and Guam Department of Education (GDOE) Standard Operating Procedures 1600-002.
The Chief Internal Auditor is responsible for providing training for implementing the MIC program; and assisting Administrators/Managers in developing, implementing, and testing internal controls. The Chief Auditor will also assist with the development of measurable performance standards.
Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) - is required by Public Law (PL) 26-26 and GEB Policy 715.
The school treasurer shall prepare a monthly financial statement for each fund subject to review and approval of the Money Committee. It shall show the previous balance, income and expenses for the month and the current balance. Copies of this statement shall be given to the DOE Internal Audit Staff, the principal, the club or activity sponsor and the club or activity treasurer, and the school Activities fun coordinator.
At the close of each fiscal year, the school principal shall prepare a financial statement covering all school activities and funds including change funds. It shall show the title of all funds, starting and ending balances for the fiscal year, income and expenses for the year, and a statement of bank account names and numbers. This report shall be transmitted to the DOE Internal Audit staff no later than July 15 of each year. Each school activities fund shall be audited as often as required at least annually by the DOE Internal Audit Staff.
Guam Academy Charter Schools Charter Schools Invoice Validation - is required by PL 34-116.
The Guahan Academy Charter School shall submit a monthly invoice to the Guam Department of Administration (DOA). Upon receipt of said invoice, DOA shall remit it to the GDOE. Upon receipt of remitted invoice the GDOE shall verify the invoice for accuracy and report its findings within ten (10) days of receipt of said invoice to DOA prior to the release of funds. If the GDOE fails to report its findings, the invoiced amount received by DOA shall be automatically transmitted to the Guahan Academy Charter School.
Reconsideration Evaluation Plan (REP) Documentation of Completion Validation - is required by the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Amended Specific Conditions.
The amended conditions require IAO to review GDOE’s documentation of completion and validating its sufficiency. Additionally, IAO must submit its own documentation of completion as required by the REP.
The Guam Legislature enacts mandates in the form of public law for the establishment, organization, and operation of the GDOE. Mandates include appropriations made to the Department to pay the cost of facilities and operations, appointment of officers and certain employees, and submission of reports and financial data to oversight committees. Listed below are mandates imposed on GDOE to carry out and administer all related functions in furthering the department's mission.
Click here for a detailed summary of mandates.
- Public Law 34-66 - An act to add a new 28205 to Article 2 of Chapter 28, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing merit award recipients to use their awards at the Guam Community College for their Freshman and Sophomore years
- Public Law 34-48 - An act to amend 121801 (definitions), 121802 (qualifications for licensure), 121803 (exceptions to licensure requirements) and 121804 (scope of practice); and to add a new § 121805 (licensure renewal), all of article 18, chapter 12, part 2, title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to speech-language pathology
- Public Law 34-42 - An act making appropriations for the operations of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Government of Guam for fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, making other appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.
- Public Law 34-41 - An act to amend sections §§ 3602 (b) and 3603 (b)(1) of Article 6, Chapter 3, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to clarifying the employee threshold for coverage under the Guam Family Medical Leave Act.
- Public Law 34-40 - Family and Medical Leave Act to include job-protective bereavement leave to Guam families.
- Public Law 34-35 - An act to amend 5213 of Subarticle B, Article 3, Chapter 5, Division 1, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to Small Purchases
- Public Law 34-29 - An act to de-appropriate the sum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) from the General Fund Appropriation in Fiscal Year 2017 to I Liheslaturan Guåhan (The Guam Legislature) and to appropriate such sum to the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) Operations Fund for maintenance and repairs needed at GDOE schools.
- Public Law 34-27 - An act to amend 1602 and 1603 of Chapter 16, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to promoting affordable access to updated and searchable laws, rules and regulations, executive orders, attorney general opinions, and court decisions
- Public Law 34-26 - An act to transfer and appropriate four hundred thirty thousand dollars ($430,000) from the Capitol District Fund to the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) Operations Fund for maintenance and repairs needed at GDOE schools.
- Public Law 34-25 - An act to add a new § 22437 to Article 4, Chapter 22, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to requiring that executive branch agencies of the Government of Guam amortize payments of municipal leases into equal monthly installments throughout the fiscal year, except when such amortization schedule would cause a violation of an indenture such that it would negatively impact the credit rating of the Government of Guam.
- Public Law 34-23 - An act to add a new § 4130 to Article 1 of Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to granting administrative leave to employees of the Government of Guam for the purpose of donating an organ, tissue, or bone marrow.
- Public Law 34-22 - An act to add new Chapter 6 to Division 1 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the fair chances hiring process act.
- Public Law 34-21 - An act to repeal and reenact § 1103 and to add new §§ 1103.1 and 1103.2, all of Chapter 1, Division 1, Tile 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the medical referral assistance office.
- Public Law 34-19 - An act to amend subsection (c) and (d), and add new subsections (k), (l), and (m) to § 58D103; and to amend §§ 58D105, 58D106, and 58D108, all of Chapter 58D, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to soliciting for the construction of Simon Sanchez High School under a long term lease-back pursuant to 5 GCA §5210 and 2 GAR §3108.
- Public Law 34-18 - An act to add a new Chapter 50 to Title 15, Guam Code Annotated, relative to fiduciary access to digital assets.
- Public Law 34-16 - An act to amend § 102 of Chapter 1, Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the effective date of executive orders.
- Public Law 34-8 - An act to require that a comprehensive cost-benefit and space utilization study be conducted by the government of Guam prior to the authorization, funding, or construction of a unified government office facility.
- Public Law 34-7 - An act to add a new Article 4 to Chapter 34 of Division 2, Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to establishing guidelines for animal assisted interventions; to be known and cited as "Seava's Animal Assisted Intervention Act of 2017."
- Public Law 34-06 - An act to add a new Chapter 29A, and a new § 29102(d) to Chapter 29, both of Division 2, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new § 2912(p) of Article 9, Title 10 Guam Code Annotated, relative to mandating the provision of health care insurance coverage for Autism Spectrum Disorders by insurers; to be known and cited as "Hunter's Law of 2017.)
- Public Law 34-05 - An act to add a new § 1923 to Chapter 19 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing the periodic audit of each Government of Guam Agency's standard operating procedures and requiring such procedures to be posted on each agency's website.
- Public Law 34-01 - An act to amend § 6101(1) of Article 1; § 6302 of Article 3; and Article 4, all of Chapter 6, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to clarifying the definition of electronic cigarettes, and raising the minimum age of legal access to tobacco products and electronic cigarettes to twenty-one (21) years; and to cite this act as the "Youth Protection Act of 2017."
- Public Law 33-236 - An act to add a new Chapter 88 to Tile 5. Guam Code Annotated, relative to reestablishing and funding I Kumision i Fino' Chamoru (The Chamoru Language Commission) as I Kumision i Fino' Chamoru yan i Fina'na'guen i Historia yan i Lina'la' i Taotao Tano (The Commission on Chamoru Language and the Teaching of the History and Culture of the Indigenous People of Guam).
- Public Law 33-230 - An act to add a new 4129 to Article 1 of Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to employee leave for parental participation in the early childhood intervention programs for non-school aged children; and to cite this act as the "Early Childhood Intervention Leave Act of 2016."
- Public Law 33-222 - An act to repeal and reenact subsection (d) of § 6235 Article 2, Chapter 6, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to clarifying the number of allowed certification pay incentive to Government of Guam line employees, and the Office of Public Accountability, the University of Guam, and the Guam Department of Education employees who have obtained Certified Public Accountant, Certified Government Financial Management, Certified Fraud Examiner, and Certified Internal Auditor Certification.
- Public Law 33-193 - An act to amend Chapter 35 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Accountancy Act of 2003, and to repeal and reenact, Chapter 2 of Title 25, the Guam administrative rules and regulations, relative to policies within the administrative rules and regulations of the Guam Board of Accountancy.
- Public Law 33-189 - An act to rezone lots 2260 and 2261, municipality of Barrigada, from agricultural zone to (a) to school zone (s-1).
- Public 33-186 - An act to add a new Article 5 to Chapter 8, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated relative to creating a new "defined benefit 1.75" Retirement System; and to creating a new cash balance plan ("Guam Retirement Security Plan") as alternatives to the defined contribution retirement system upon timely election in accordance with regulations to be promulgated; to amend §§ 8208 and 8209(a) of Article 2, Chapter 8, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to increasing the defined contribution retirement system member and employer contributions to six and two tenths percent (6.2%); and to amend § 8137(b), Article 1, Chapter 8, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to extending the amortization period of the unfunded liability for prior service.
- Public Law 33-185 - An act making appropriations for the Operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of the Government of Guam for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2017, making other appropriations and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.
- Public Law 33-170 - An act to add a new Article 6 to Chapter 3, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Family and Medical Leave Act; and to add a new Article 7 to Chapter 3, Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to lease for child school-related purposes.
- Public Law 33-162 - An act to add a new section 18 to part I of Chapter II of public law 33-66, relative to appropriating and depositing FY 2016 Territorial Educational Facilities Fund revenues collected in excess of twenty-nine million two hundred fifty-five thousand seven hundred ten dollars ($29,255,710) to the Guam Department of Education operations fund bank account for FY 2016 GDOE operations.
- Public Law 33-141 - An act to amend § 4107.1 of Article 1, Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to maternity and paternity leave of public officers and employees.
- Public Law 33-121 - An act to amend §77302 of article 3, chapter 77 and §§90105(c), 90107, 90108(a), 90109, and 90114 of chapter 90, title 10 GCA, and §3401.1(h) of chapter 3, title 16 GCA; to add new 90109.(c) and 90105(a)(13), and repeal 90109(a)(4), all of chapter 90, title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative to expanding the smoking regulations of the Natasha Protection Act of 2005; to providing for Increased enforcement; and to providing for enforcement training
- Public Law 33-116 - An act to amend Public Law 22-18, relative to deleting from the Government of Guam reserved lands list Lot 3470, municipality of Chalan Pago, which is reserved for the Guam Department of Education (thirty-five acres for a middle school); for the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (thirty-five acres for an adult care hospital); for the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse (five acres for an adult residential treatment facility, ten acres for a children's residential treatment facility, and two acres for a crisis center); and for the Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services (two acres for a homeless shelter, two acres for a children's foster home, and four acres for a public health facility), and transferring said lot to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for residential and agricultural leasing.
- Public Law 33-115 - An act to amend public law 22-118, relative to deleting from the Government of Guam reserved lands list Lot no. 3463, municipality of Agana Heights, reserved for the Guam Department of Education for the construction of a Central High School, and transferring said lot to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for residential and agricultural leasing.
- Public Law 33-114 - An act to amend Public Law 22-18, relative to deleting from the Government of Guam reserved lands list the thirty-five (35) acres of Lot 10122-r18, Dededo, reserved for the Guam Department of Education for the construction of the As-Tumbo Middle School, and transferring said thirty-five (35) acres of Lot 10122-r18 to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for residential and agricultural leasing.
- Public Law 33-113 - An act to amend Public Law 22-18, relative to deleting from the Government of Guam reserved lands list the thirty-five (35) acres of Lot 10122-r18, Dededo, reserved for the Guam Department of Education for the construction of the As-Tumbo Elementary School, and transferring said thirty-five (35) acres of Lot 10122-r18 to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission for residential and agricultural leasing.
- Public Law 33-75 - An act to amend § 8114.1 of Chapter 8, Title 7, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing Government of Guam employees to join the Volunteer Deputy Marshal Reserve Program.
- Public Law 33-66 - An act making appropriations for the operations of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the Government of Guam for fiscal year ending September 30, 2016; making other appropriations; and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.
- Public Law 33-62 - An act to amend § 5204(d) of Article 2, Chapter 5, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to supporting the development of safe and healthy youth and community activities by appropriating funds from the limited gaming fund for Fiscal Year 2015 and annually thereafter to the Mayors council of Guam, the Department of Education, and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
- Public Law 33-38 - An act to amend §28105 of article 1, §28201(a)(2)(a) of article 2, §28301 (a) of article 3, and §§28401(b) and 28404 of article 4, all of chapter 28, title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing qualified non-immigrant aliens admitted into Guam under the compacts of free association to participate in student financial assistance programs for higher education.
- Public Law 33-35 - An act to add a new subsection (h) to § 5201 of Article 2, Chapter 5 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the use of an individual's credit history in the employment process.
- Public Law 33-31 - An act to amend Subsection 12(m) of §715, Chapter 7 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Department of Education's use of Easter and Christmas breaks as make-up days in the school calendar.
- Public Law 33-29 - An act to amend Section 2(II) of Chapter I and Section 1 of part I, Chapter II of Public law 21-181; and to amend § 22425(q) of Article 4, Chapter 22, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to appropriating start-up funds from the territorial educational facilities fund for the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) early childhood education program/pre-kindergarten program; and to provide additional funds to the GDOE for its operations as a result of the enactment of Public Law 32-219.
- Public Law 33-25 - An act to amend § 23111(b) and § 23111(e)(3) of Chapter 23, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the use of Government travel mileage benefits for off-island student travel involving academic, sports, and cultural activities.
- Public Law 33-18 - An act to add a new § 6235 to Article 2 of Chapter 6, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to providing a pay incentive to employees of Government of Guam line agencies, the Office of Public Accountability, the University of Guam, and the Guam Department of Education who have obtained public accountant, Government Financial Management, Fraud Examiner, and Internal Auditor Certification, pursuant to recognized national standards, to preserve the Government of Guam’s ability to recruit and retain such professionals.
- Public Law 33-15 - An act to add a new Chapter 91 to Division 3 of Title 18, Guam Code Annotated, relative to modernizing the business environment by adopting the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).
- Public Law 33-13 - An act to amend § 3107 of article 1, Chapter 3 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to standardized testing within the Department of Education.
- Public Law 33-09 - An act to amend subsection (d) § 5204 of Article 2 of Chapter 5, Title 11, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing procurement of sports equipment and supplies for youth and community sports programs.
- Public Law 33-07 - An act to add a new Chapter 14 to Division 2, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, and relative to creating the "First Generation Trust Fund Initiative," in support of public high school graduates obtaining postsecondary education.
- Public Law 32-228 - An act to amend 4108(c)(2) of Chapter 4, Title 4, Guam Code Annotated, relative to Sick Leave.
- Public Law 32-220 - An act to approve amendments to existing rules and regulations of the Guam Commission for Educator Certification in Chapter 8, Title 5A, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations.
- Public Law 32-219 - An act to amend Section 2 of Part 1, Chapter II of Public Law 32-181, relative to authorizing funding of Charter Schools.
- Public Law 32-162 - An act to add a new subsection (e) to § 37.10, and to amend § 37.20, all of Chapter 37, Title 9, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the crime of burglary in schools, which may be cited as the "Safer Schools Act of 2014."
- Public Law 32-159 - An act to add a new subsection (d) to § 3102.3 of Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to including a representative from the Mayors Council of Guam to the GUam Education Board.
- Public Law 32-145 - An act to amend § 1001 of 1GCA relative to establishing Guam History and Chamorro Heritage Day as a legal holiday of the Government of Guam.
- Public Law 32-139 - An act to add a new Article 5 to Chapter 3 of Title 22, Guam Code Annotated, relative to privacy of employee's personal information.
- Public Law 32-125 - An act to amend §§ 12107(c)(4), 12107(f) and 12107(g) of Chapter 12, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to the Guam Academy Charter School Act of 2009.
- Public Law 32-121 - An act to add a new Chapter 58E to Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the finance, design, renovation, rehabilitation, construction or maintenance of Public Schools.
- Public Law 32-120 - An act to add a new Chapter 58D to Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the renovation or construction of a new Simon Sanchez High School; and to amend an renumber § 22425(q) of Article 4, Chapter 22, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the appropriation of additional real property tax revenues from the revaluation of real property taxes; and to amend § 53101 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, Relative to the Early Childhood Program Fund.
- Public Law 32-118 - An act to amend § 20111 of Article 1, Chapter 20 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing employees of the government of Guam agencies and instrumentalities to apply payroll deductions to registered non-profits.
- Public Law 32-115 - An act to add a new § 3219.1 to Article 2, Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to awarding honorary high school diplomas for certain senior citizens.
- Public Law 32-103 - An act to require each agency or instrumentality of the Government of Guam to determine payments that can be made through its website, and to require the Office of Technology to estimate the cost of implementing such online payments.
- Public Law 32-098 - An act to add a new Chapter 4B to Division 1 of Title 19, Guam Code Annotated; to amend § 22107, Division 2, Chapter 22 of Title 7, Guam Code Annotated; to add a new § 80.49.1 of Chapter 80, Article 2 of Title 9, Guam Code Annotated; and to add a new § 1036 to Chapter 10 of Title 1, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Rights of Nursing Mothers and their Children in regards to breastfeeding, and to be known as the "Nana Yan Patgon Act".
- Public Law 32-095 - An act to add a new § 7120 to Chapter 7 of Division 2, Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the Guam Department of Education to enter into a power purchase agreement to purchase solar energy from a qualified provider(s); to add a new § 8502 (2)(c) to Article 5, Chapter 8 of Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to raising the net metering cap for Guam Power Authority Public School Customers under a third party owned solar energy system; and to add a new § 5008.2 to Part A of Article 1, Chapter 5 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, relative to the policy in favor of renewable energy purchase of service.
- Public Law 32-085 - An act to adopt the Government of Guam Healthy Vending Machine Policy, as provided and mandated pursuant to Public Law 31-141, to be codified under a new Chapter 13 of Division 4, Title 2, Guam Administrative Rules and Regulations; and to amend § 23109 of Chapter 23 Part 1, Division 2 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated; and to amend § 22420.1 (a) and (c), and to add a new § 22420.2, all of Article 4, Chapter 22 of Title 5 Guam Code Annotated, to provide for the inclusion of Government of Guam Healthy Vending Machine Policy to canteens and other food and beverage vendors on government premises.
- Public Law 32-063 - An act to amend § 22425(q) of Article 4, Chapter 22, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to designating Seven Million Dollars of additional revenue derived from the valuation of real property, due to commence during calendar year 2013 and 2014, towards the replacement or renovation of Simon Sanchez High School and other Guam Department of Education facilities requiring new construction, rehabilitation or maintenance; towards other education-related purposes; towards the Department of Revenue and Taxation for electronic services enhancement, maintenance of real property data and system, and revaluation of real property; towards the Department of Public Works for bussing, and to establish an Early Childhood Development Fund by enacting a new Chapter 53 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated.
- Public Law 32-035 - An act to add a new 58B110 to Chapter 58B of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, related to authorizing subsidy payments received in connection with qualified school construction bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 58B of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated.
- Public Law 32-029 - An act to amend §§ 6602 and 6603; to re-codify § 6603 as § 6121; and to add a new § 6703, all of Chapter 6 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to protection of student information.
- Public Law 32-020 - An act to amend subsections (c) and (h) of § 10108 of Article 1, Chapter 10 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the right of inspection.
- Public Law 32-019 - An act to amend § 23111 of Chapter 23, Division 2, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to authorizing the use of Government of Guam travel mileage benefits to support off-island medical referrals and off-island student travel involving academic, sports and cultural activities.
- Public Law 32-016 - An act to add a new subsection (e) to § 5008 of Part A, Article 1 of Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to prohibiting government of Guam branches, departments, agencies and instrumentalities from excluding local businesses from the procurement process.
- Public Law 32-015 - An act to add a new § 5132 to Part D of Article 2, Chapter 5 of Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the retention of procurement-related electronic mail (email) correspondences.
- Public Law 32-009 - An act to add a new Chapter 58C to Title 5, Guam Code Annotated, and a new subsection (s) to § 3102.1 of Article 1, Chapter 3 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the installation and maintenance of electronic or other security systems at all Guam public schools, to be known as the "Secure our Schools Act" of 2013.
- Public Law 32-006 - An act to appropriate to the Department of Education all additional revenue derived from the expiration of any part of the Bush Tax Cuts.
- Public Law 30-164 - Pursuant to P.L. 30-164, the Education Financial Supervisory Commission (EFSC) was created to monitor the financial health of the Guam Department of Education (GDOE). The role of the EFSC is to develop and supervise a financial status designation of GDOE finances as well as to identify, in advance, any signs of financial distress that may lead to operational deficits. The EFSC is mandated to advise GDOE officials and the Guam Education Board (GEB) to implement corrective measures. the creation of this Commission was also a response from I Liheslaturan Guahan to expeditiously respond to the "high-risk grantee" designation that was placed upon GDOE in 2010.
- Public Law 30-127 - An act relative to adopting the Association of Government Accountants' "Citizen-Centric Report" initiative.
- Public Law 30-55 - An act making appropriations for the operations of Executive, Legilsative, and Judicial branches of Governemnt of Guam for fiscal year ending Sepember 30, 2010, making appropriations, and establishing miscellaneous and administrative provisions.
- Public Law 29-57 - An act to amend attachment A-1 of Public Law 29-19 relative to (k)(2) of §22435, Chapter 22, Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated, relative to allowing the Guam Public School System access to vitally needed funds in order to address capital improvement projects and facility repairs which do not require engineering assessment.
- Public Law 28-45 - An act to add new items 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 to 1 GCA [...] relative to the duties and responsibilities of BBMR, the management of allotments, the Department of Administration, program execution, the Duties of the Director of Administration, limitations of actions, standing to sue, injunctions, attorney fees, suit by minors, and the duties of the Superintendent and the GEPB; to enact the Every Child is Entitled to An Adequate Public Education Act.
- 2017-06 - Relative to declaring the day after Thanksgiving as a Government of Guam Holiday
- 2016-02 - Change in Audit Dates
- Effective 2017, all annual audits for your agency or department must be completed by April 30. This move is to accommodate external reporting requirements
- 2015-15 - Relative to requiring all Government of Guam Agencies Autonomous Instrumentalities, Commissions and Boards to develop and implement a Language Access Plan (LAP)
- 2015-12 - Relative to declaring the day after Thanksgiving a holiday
- 2015-09 - Relative to the GovGuam Policy for social media
- 2014-20 - Relative to declaring the day after Christmas a holiday
- 2014-13 - Relative to creating and authorizing the Imagine Guam Program
- 2014-05 - Relative to declaring Guam History Chamorro Heritage Day a holiday
- 2013-04 - Relative to lifting the freeze on salary step increases for all Government of Guam executive branch employees by rescinding Executive Order 2011-14
- 2013-03 - Relative to creating a Guam Science and Technology committee to develop and implement a Science and Technology education and workplace development plan
- 2012-14 - Relative to reducing Holiday Pay to mitigate the Government of Guam financial crisis
- 2012-03 - Relative to empaneling the Educational Learning Task Force
- 2008-20 - Relative to declaring a continuing state of emergency in order to allow Government of Guam agencies and instrumentalities to assist in repairing GPSS schools
- 2005-28 - Relative to re-defining the positions exempted by the Fair Labor Standards Act from minimum wage and overtime positions and re-designating bonafide executive, administrative and professional categories previously designated by Executive Order 95-11. A policy is hereby established to declare employees occupying exempt positions ineligible to be compensated for overtime hours or compensatory time worked, and directing immediate implementation.
- LEG 17-0547 - Re: Opinion Request Relative to Random Drug Testing for All Government Employees
- GCEC 17-0556 - Re: Request for Legal Advice Regarding Procedures that Must be Observed When Considering Suspending or Revoking a Professional Educator's Teaching Certificate
- GEDA 16-0429 - Re: Government of Guam Limited Obligation (Section 30) Bond Series 2016a
- DOA 16-0388 - Re: Compensation of Individuals Prior to Meeting Pre-Employment Requirements
- GEDA 15-0854 - Re: Guam Education Financing Foundation refunding certificates of participation (Guam Public Schools Facilities Project)
- DOA 16-0327 - Re: Application of Certification Pay Pursuant to Public Law 33-18
- GOV 16-0106 - Re: Payment of Settlements of Government Claims
- GEDA 10-0758 - Re: Series 2010A Certificates of Participation (John F. Kennedy High School Project)
- DRT 08-0013 - P.L. 28-20 Educator Appreciation Act of 2005 - Tax Rebates
- DPHSS 07-0310 - Re: Religious Exemptions for School Immunizations
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