Department of Education
Responsible, Respectful, and Ready for Life

children playing in the ball pitWhat Do These Words Mean?

Assessment – an ongoing process including the use of tests and tools to identify your child’s and family’s needs and strengths.

Assistive Technology – any item or piece of equipment that is used to increase, maintain or improve your child’s ability to do things (i.e. eat, communicate, move).

Child Find – the early identification, screening, referral, and initial service coordination for a child with or at-risk for a disability or development delay.

Consent – the written permission or authorization that a family provides to proceed with an evaluation, services or to exchange personal information.

Development – the process of learning and mastering new skills over time; includes ability to move, communication, think, see, hear, and play with toys or interact with other people.

Due Process Hearing – a hearing involving a hearing officer who rules on evidence related to a disagreement or dispute between a parent and an early intervention provider or service coordinator.

Early Intervention – a collection of services provided by public and private agencies and mandated under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to support eligible children and their family in enhancing the overall potential growth and development of the child from birth to age three.

Eligibility – requirements your child must meeting in order to receive early intervention services from the Guam Public School System, Division of Special Education, Guam Early Intervention System.

Evaluation – process of determining your child’s eligibility by gathering information about your child from records, assessments and using professional judgment.

Family Centered Services – the principle that promotes parents as the decision-makers for the services and supports their child and family receives and builds parent-professional relationships.

Individualized Family Service Plan  - a written plan for your child’s and family’s desired outcomes and services to meet those outcomes during your time receiving services from the Guam Early Intervention System.

Mediation – a way to settle a dispute or complaint so that both sides win.  Parents and other professionals discuss their differences and, with the help of a trained mediator, reach a resolution that both or all parties agree to.

Natural Environment – a setting that is natural or normal for the child’s age peers, who have no disabilities, including the home, child care center, and other family or community setting.

Outcomes – statements of changes you want for your child and family that are documented in your child’s IFSP.

Parent – the biological parent(s), guardian(s), or acting parent(s) (foster or surrogate) who has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the child.

Referral – when a parent, relative, or other professional has a concern about the development of a child and makes contact with the Guam Early Intervention System.  During this process, and Intake Form is completed - a Service Coordinator meets or contacts you to get more information about the developmental concerns you have about your child; explains what early intervention services are; and schedules an evaluation to determine if your child is eligible for services.

Service Coordinator – a person employed by the Guam Early Intervention System who works with your family to help coordinate the intake, evaluation and assessment, eligibility determination, IFSP, and services your child and family receives.

Special Education – specially designed instruction and services to meet the education needs of children over the age of three.

Strategies – the methods and activities, developed to achieve outcomes, written in the IFSP.

Transdisciplinary – the involvement of two or more disciplines or professions in the provision of integrated and coordinated services including evaluation and assessment activities and the development of the IFSP.

Transition – the process of planning for support and services for when your child will leave the Guam Early Intervention System to another program or setting.

Transition Plan – the plan developed for your child when leaving early intervention services at age three.

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